Senin, 06 Juni 2016

Introducing a new secretary in a new department: Ms. Erna Wardani, S.Pd, M.hum

Jenderal Soedirman University, as one of the best universities in Indonesia, always improves and develops its facilities and technology. Also, Jenderal Soedirman University always does observation about what Indonesia needs to make Indonesia better. A quote said a great people can create some quality things , but some quality teachers can produce thousand great people". As we know, the education in Indonesia is still apprehensive. Indonesia needs a lot of skillful teachers. Besides of the fact, Jenderal Soedirman University wants to make the education in Indonesia better. Jenderal Soedirman University also wants to produce many skillful teachers. With some consideration, finally in almost two years Jenderal Soedirman University has new major which are concerned in the education. It is education department.

Ms. Erna Wardani, S.Pd, M.hum, as a lecturer of English department in Jenderal Soedirman University, is mandated to be a secretary of education department. With other lecturers, she tries to develop this education department. She said everything is new for this department, so Ms Erna has to learn more about it it. Although there is a little difficulty in managing new department, she really enjoys bearing all her responsibilities. Ms Erna who likes jazz and classical music hoped education department can be a faculty of education soon.

Although Ms. Erna is getting busy with two activities now, being a lecturer and being secretaryof education program, she still can do her hobbies in spare time, Her hobbies are are reading and testing some food. She loves to read so many books. She advices all English students to read more all English subjects. It is better for students to read and compare contents of some books so student can enrich their English knowledge. She likes to taste some foods in her spare time as well. She said food is not only about things that we taste, but also about culture and creativity. from food we can know the culture and history of ethnics. 

Senin, 23 Mei 2016

Book Review : Pudarnya Pesona Cleopatra

Author : Habiburrahman El Shirazy
Publisher : Republika

Pudarnya Pesona Cleopatra is a novel that is written by Habiburrahman El-Shirazy. This book contains two mini novel. The first mini novel is "Pudarnya Pesona Cleopatra". This mini novel is about the man who was blinded by the beauty of Cleopatra and Egyptian women for he had been living in Egypt as a student for about 4 years. He just wanted to marry Egyptian woman. However, his dream about marrying Egyptian woman never came true because his beloved mother asked him to marry her best friend's daughter, Raihana. All of his family said Raihana was a Javanese, beautiful, smart, well-behaved and high-educated woman. His family also said that although Raihana was older than him, Raihana had a baby-faced looking. For the first, he was confused, but his mother convinced him that Raihana would be a best wife for him. With all considerations, finally, he married Raihana.

After he married Raihana, he tried to love his wife. He thought Raihana was a very good wife. She served him well and she filled all his needs meticulously and patiently. However, there was still no love for Raihana after few months he became a husband. The beauty of Cleopatra and Egyptian woman was still in his head. Then, he ignored Raihana. He couldn't live as if he loved Raihana anymore. Raihana was very sad because of her husband's behavior.

The second mini novel is "Setitik Embun Cinta Niyala". This novel told about Niyala who will graduate from university and soon she will be a doctor. She lived with her mother's best friend when she studied in a university in Jakarta. Her mother's best friend had a son. His name was Faiq. Niyala was very close with both of them. Three days before she graduated, she received a mail from her father. Her father admitted he had borrowed a big number of money to Mr.Cosmas and next month he had to return it. However, he did not have money. Thus, he asked Niyala to marry Mr.Cosmas's son. She was really sad and confused. She was hopeless. She hated Mr.Cosmas's son because he was a bad man. She had a terrible memory with him. She tried to avoid the marriage. Then, she asked Faiq to help her.

When I got this novel for the first time, I thought this novel just contained a story about Pudarnya Pesona Cleopatra. I was surprised since knowing that there was another mini novel there. There was nothing that tell about Setitik Embun Cinta Niyala in the cover of the novel. However, the novel is still really amazing. I really get into the stories every time I read it. I think this novel is really good to be read by the reader. There are three things that make this novel good. First, the writer, Habiburrahman, wrote every mini novel well.Every mini novel has its characteristic. He wrote different ending for both stories. He used first person as the point of view for the first mini novel, while in the second mini novel, he used the third person as the point of view. Second, this novel is not only entertaining, but also educating. There are a lot of good things that can reader take from novel. And the last, he also used words that are easy to be understood. The readers will really get into the stories. I recommend this novel to be read by readers.

Minggu, 17 April 2016


Ibu kita Kartini… putri sejati… putri Indonesia... harum namanya...

A five-years-old girl was busy singing the song “Ibu Kita Kartini” in front of the mirror. She was singing like a famous singer.  She was moving her body as if she was dancing while holding the comb which she used as her microphone. The little girl was never tired in singing that song since her father taught her.

Ibu kita Kartini… pendekar bangsa… pendekar kaumnya… untuk merdeka…

The father of the little girl taught her a lot of things. One day, the little girl felt difficult when she was trying to sing “Kupu-kupu yang Lucu” song which was written in her book. Suddenly, her father sat next to her, taking the book from her tiny hand and said,

“Should Abah (father) teach you this song? Abah will sing first. Then, you have to follow my sing. You got it?”

“Hurray! Okay, I got it, Abah” the little girl replied with a strong nod and wide smile.

The little girl really liked her father’s voice. She would clap and shake her head to the right and to the left as if she really enjoyed her father’s voice. For her, the father’s voice was always beautiful.
Her father taught the little girl everything. He always taught a little girl daily prayers, such as: prayer before eat, prayer for parents, prayer before study, prayer before sleep and many more. He taught a little girl how to read Al-Qur’an and mathematics. He also introduced and taught everything new when they were together. I remember, I was went jogging when they walked around at the park in the morning. Suddenly, her father found a unique plant.

“Try to touch the leaves.” asked her father.

As soon as the father asked it, she touched the leaves. Then, her eyes widened. She was amazed by what she saw. The magical leaves! She thought. The leaves closed and opened by themselves. The father just smiled, looked at her beloved daughter and said “Well, this is Putri Malu, dear”.
I also know that the little girl always went to the interesting place on weekends with her parents. Her favorite place was a park that is filled with so many kinds of games, such as swings, slides and seesaws. The park was also equipped with a stage. That stage is used by so many child singers and it made the atmosphere more pleasant and live. With gas balloon in her hand, the little girl sat on a mat which her mother put on grass. The little girl really enjoyed the songs which were sung by child singers. While her mother fed her, the little girl suddenly approached her father.

The little girl said to her father, “Abah, I want to sing “Ibu Kita Kartini” on that stage.”
“Do you really want to sing there, sweetheart?”
“Yes, I do. Do you let me to do it, Abah?” the little girl asked.
“Of course you can sing there, sweetheart. Come on! follow me” The father said.

After talking briefly with a host for asking the permission, the little girl could sing her favorite song on stage. The girl sang enthusiastically and happily. I saw her father was waiting for the little girl behind the stage when she sang. Her father waited there like her daughter asked. The father never left her alone. The little girl knew really well that her father was the greatest father in the world. Her father was an amazing supporter for the little girl.

Wahai ibu kita Kartini putri yang mulia… sungguh besar cita-citanya bagi Indonesia…

She had a happy family and a happy life. The happiness never leaved her and she was really grateful for that. Actually, her father was not only teaching her how to sing Ibu Kita Kartini well, but also he introduced who Raden Ajeng Kartini was and the history of Raden Adjeng Kartini. One day, after her father taught the little girl “Ibu Kita Kartini” song, they sat out on the porch at the afternoon. The weather was calm and quiet at that time. Also, the wind blew slowly. It was the perfect time to talk about Raden Adjeng Kartini.

“Raden Adjeng Kartini was a strong and well-educated woman, dear. You must be a strong and well-educated woman as she did. If you are strong, you will get up easily after you fail. Moreover, if you are well-educated woman, you can reach anything you want. Consequently, you will never give up and you can catch your dream. You can be a successful woman who will give the benefit to the other.” said her father.

“I promise you, Abah. I will be a strong and well-educated woman as Raden Adjeng Kartini did.” said the little girl.

“That’s my daughter!” said her father proudly.

A few years have passed. Now, the little girl becomes a young woman. Now, she can’t see her beloved father anymore. Her father had passed away. People said that the God has more love for him than the little girl has, so the God took her father from her. Now, she can only recall her memories with her father when she misses him. Although her father is not with her now, she is still thankful because she has a beautiful childhood with a father beside her. She doesn’t have memories with her dad when she grows up. So, she can only tell her childhood memories to her friends when they have conversation.

With this short story, she wants to convey that she is very fond of her father. She also wants the whole world know that she misses her father so much. Until now, she still feels sad when she remembers the day when her father passed away. And, the song “Ibu Kita Kartini” will always be a memorable song of her father. Also, this short story is made to commemorate Kartini’s Day. Happy Kartini's Day !!!

Senin, 11 April 2016

Movie Review of Miracle in Cell no 7

Miracle in cell no 7 is a Korean movie that was produced in 2013. This movie told about the unconditional love between clever, adorable and lovely daughter, Ye-Sung (Kal So-Won) and her beloved, innocent and mentally ill father, Lee Yong-gu (Ryoo Seung-Ryong). An adult Ye-sung became a lawyer and she opened the case of her father and tried with all she had to make her beloved father’s innocent. Yong-Gu became a prisoner after a girl, a daughter of police commissioner who took him to the market to show him the other store that sold the same Sailor Moon backpack as she has, died intentionally. He was accused of the kidnaping, murder and rape. He had to live with other prisoners in a cell no 7, the harshest cell in maximum security prison and he was sentenced to death.

This movie told about how adult Ye-sung tried to memorize every moments in her life with her father when she was child. This movie also told about how little Ye-sung tried hard to see her dad in prison every day. Also, it told about how the other prisoners, who hated Lee Yong-Gu before, help Lee Yong-Gu to meet her daughter.

I supposed this is a best Korean movie I ever watched. This movie filled with tears and laughs. The story, actually, is a standard and ordinary story. However, Lee Hwan Kyung as a director made this movie so well. The strong emotion between daughter and father was always showed and it successfully made the audience cried. There were some humorous scenes which made audience laughed as well. Consequently, the audience paid full attention for every scene in it. I really recommend this movie to be watched by readers because although this movie has little big stars, all actors and artists played their role really well. So the movie can attract the readers by their performance. This movie also taught a friendship and love.

Senin, 04 April 2016

You are..

You're my sun
That can erase the cloud from my heart
That always wipes my tears when I'm blue
That will sing with me when thunder comes

You're my rainbow
Which colors my whole life
Which completes my happiness
Which always makes me smile

And... You're my moon
That can light my way
That makes me calm when I'm down
That always gives me hand to pull me up

PS : This poetry tells about the girl who is thankful because of having important people and they are always there for her.

Senin, 28 Maret 2016

Hello, Readers!

Welcome to my blog.

I am very thankful to Allah, the creator of this universe. He is the only one who never leave me alone. Because of his blessings, I can do everything well and because of his help, I could create this simple blog. I also thank to my family who always pray for me, to my lectures who always support me and to my friends who always cheer me up.

I created this blog as a media to broaden my knowledge, to increase my creativity and to share everything I like. I am going to write poetry, movie review, book review and short story in order to entertain the readers. Also, I am going to try to share a brief post about someone biography, news article and investigation report. Of course, the advantages of creating this blog are not only for me as a writer, but also for you as a readers. We can learn together here.

I am going to do my best to make my writings here more attractive and easy to be understood. Actually, it is not easy to write everything that I am not mastering before. However, as I said before, I am going to do my best. I am going to read and learn more. I really appreciate the readers who leave comments and give suggestions to me to make all contents in my blog better.

Finally, I want to say thank you for visiting my blog and happy reading :)
